Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Vested Chalice and Paten

The Vested Chalice and Paten are ready for service on the Altar. The photo on the left exhibits the proper set-up with veil and burse. The photo on the right reveals the order of preparation of vessels and vestments: principal chalice, purificator, principal paten (with large host wafer on it), pall cover, veil, and burse. The burse contains one or two extra purificators with a corporal linen atop them. The opening of the burse always faces away from the congregation.

For the record:
Veil: the fabric cover concealing the chalice and paten prior to use in Holy Communion
Burse: the pocket-like cover resting atop the veil and holding linens for use in Holy Communion
Pall Cover: a fabric lined sturdy square cover which rests on the paten and gives shape to the draped veil
Purificator: linen "napkin" used to cleanse the chalice after each use

Topics to come:
Setting the Altar for Sunday Services
Setting the Credence Table for Sunday Services

Inventory and Glossary - Secondary Chalice and Paten

I like to call these items on the right the "Secondary Chalice and Paten." Note the square step formation of the base of the chalice. Note the large size of the paten. These are characteristics of the Secondary Chalice and Paten.

These vessels are placed upon the Credence Table lower shelf for use during Holy Communion.

For the record:
Credence Table: a table used to hold items and vessels for use in Holly Communion.

Inventory and Glossary - Principal Chalice and Paten

It helps to know what you have to work with and what you call it. From time to time, I expect to present these "Inventory and Glossary" entries as a way to identify what to work with and what to call it.

Here goes...

I like to call the items to the left the "Principal Chalice and Paten." Note the rounded base of the chalice and the raised lip of the paten. These characteristics identify this first choice for altar service.

The Principal Chalice and Paten should always be those vested and placed on the altar.

For the record:
Chalice: the cup used to hold wine to be blessed for Holy Communion
Paten: the plate or dish used to hold bread to be blessed for Holy Communion

And so it begins. Well, continues...

The collective faith and wisdom of the generations...

That is what shapes the ministry of an Altar Guild. How that faith and wisdom is passed along changes from time to time, along with some of the wisdom, or at least some of the practices. One thing I know: an Altar Guild manual can never really capture all there is to know about the Ministry of the Altar.

And so, dear reader, I present this living, growing collective of Altar Ministry, this repository of experience and wisdom from my observations of the life of the Altar Guild of Trinity Episcopal Church in Swarthmore, Pennsylvania. May it serve as a guide to this most gracious, and often overlooked, ministry.

Your comments, suggestions, requests, and questions are most welcome.

In faith and in search of wisdom, I am your

Trinity Church Altar Observer